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From writing scripts, editorials, and news articles, writing is a fundamental aspect of my work as a student journalist.

Here are a few examples. 

Click on each image to view the document.

Writing: Work

Heart of Las Cruces

February 2018

This story highlights the beauty that encompasses Las Cruces. This piece was written to help promote developments in Downtown Las Cruces, as well as to highlight the culture of Old Mesilla.

See Something, Say Something

February 2018

After a tragic school shooting at Parkland High School, I decided to write an article about safety precautions that students could take regarding school and social media.
The article provides contact information to Centennial High School and CHS Student Resource Officer as a resource for reporting suspicious activity.

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Image by Osman Rana

Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

December 2017

This editorial was written following debate over which holiday greeting was the most "politically correct". The fun, light-hearted tone reflects the spirit of the holiday season - no matter what holiday the reader celebrates.
*All opinions are my own unless otherwise noted*
*Image Courtesy of*

School Walkouts - Will they generate action?

Image by Feliphe Schiarolli

March 2018

As more students began to protest gun violence in schools through organized walkouts, I expressed my opinions on whether or not these walkouts would foster change. 
*All opinions are my own unless otherwise noted*
*Image Courtesy of*

New Horizons For Podcasts & Radio

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January 2018

I competed at the 2018 New Mexico Scholastic Press Association Competition in the News Writing Category. All participants were seated in a live Q&A setting with entrepreneur David Wolf, who was creating a new radio app. Wolf explained his new app and the motives for creating the app, while participants were able to ask questions. Afterwards, we had to write a news article regarding Wolf's accomplishment. 

-Entered in the 2018 NM Scholastic Press Association Competition and placed second

*Graphic Courtesy of Smallbiz America*


Writing: Work

©2020 by Sarah Rodriguez. Proudly created with

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